Aushiker’s Hebie Stand on a Surly LHT…

22 03 2011

LHT with Hebie 2 legged stand...

Aushiker posted a nice review of a Hebie 2 legged kickstand mounted to his Surly Long Haul Trucker [LHT]. I’ve used an ESGE 2 legged kickstand in the past on my LHT and really enjoyed having it available anytime I wanted on tour. Currently my LHT is kickstand-less as it came off during my last big maintenance session and I haven’t put it back on yet. For around town rides I don’t find I need a kickstand on this bike because I have to lock it to something when I stop anyways so I lean it against the object I lock to. For a long tour I’d definitely reinstall the ESGE stand.

My LHT on its stand...